Scott Ghelfi
Brian's 2023 NYC Marathon
I'm very excited to be running my 11th NYC Marathon (albeit my FIRST since 1987!), made even more special by the fact that this year Rod personally invited me to help him celebrate the 40th anniversary of his breathtaking, come from behind victory in 1983, while also running to support his Rod Dixon's KiDSMARATHON Foundation, a charity that helps kids develop healthy habits by teaching them to have fun while running, and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The KiDSMARATHON Foundation is a nonprofit "in school” daily run program, providing information to the schools and giving them ownership of the program for their community. The KiDSMARATHON Foundation relies on donations and support from school participation. Please see for more details.
Your donation will go directly to support their US-based program. While any amount is appreciated, I am hoping that some of my friends will be inspired by my ongoing, weekly training efforts, and perhaps want to consider a recurring donation. Beyond that, I'm hoping that some of you will consider an extra contribution if I meet or exceed my goal time of 3:25:00. Last, but not least, I will be running with TEAM KiDSMARATHON NYCM 2023, the folks who were invited by Rod to support him in the race this year. Among the members is my best friend since high school, Jim Stephenson, who is joining me on this journey. It's kind of going to be the "Jim and Brian Show", so I hope you tune into his channel, too, as well as the rest of my teammates. Thanks in advance!
To learn more about Rod Dixon's KiDSMARATHON Foundation, please visit:
Me finishing the 1983 NYC Marathon in 2:49:37, only 40:38 behind Rod!
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