Mark Canfora Mission
Please help our brother in Christ fulfill his calling. Mark started street ministry 26 years ago in Barberton Ohio and the Lord is using him mightily. In 2005 Mark's son Marky went to be with Jesus, and in Marks darkest moment God called him to Help Others, to share the good news of Jesus Christ while loving and serving others. Mark Canfora Ministries formed and penned a book “Alive in Heaven”. Mark also is the Director of Free Celebration of Life and Message of Hope Festivals. God is asking Mark to go out into the world and give his testimony and share the good news of Jesus Christ. Would you prayerfully consider financial support for Marks mission? We are praying for a small class B RV 17'-20' with a bathroom, shower and bed, mechanically sound. Please visit to donate to Mark's Mission Field or FreeFunder.
Below are Marks words for how God has called him to action:
Revival in the News!!!
Is it possible to have a revival that lasts longer than a few weeks months or a few years?
My answer to that is an unequivocally yes !!!
But first, we must ask, revival of what? Many things can be revived.
Asbury Revival
I thought about going to Kentucky and the Asbury revival. I prayed about it for days. It was only five hours away.
God answered. I've called you to revival 18 years ago. Revival of broken hearts, lives and people.
(See Isaiah 61)
We've got hope, outreach, to the lost hurting, and broken hearted, has had revival and outpouring of love since 2005-2023. Beginning with my own shattered life.
Jesus Christ revives my ongoing broken and shattered life, daily!!!
Broken hearts still beat.
I admit, daily, I cannot do this life in my own will and strength. I surely will fail. But always knowing and believing I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
Come on Mark, that's 18 years! It's true! I'll share some videos and evidence below.
Jesus has given us the strength to Sow seeds of Hope, offer love in action (not just words), and consistently watching God Almighty Himself revive broken hearts, lives and families.
Saving Lives and Saving Souls! Yes He is!!!!
Sowing seeds of Hope and love.
God's Harvest
...for lives and souls saved.
Scriptures God has given Mark
John 3:16-17
1 John 3:16-24
Philippians 4
Psalm 34 & 37 & 119
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Even if you can't contribute with money, you can help this campaign by sharing on Facebook! In fact, when this campaign reaches 100 shares on Facebook and $1000 raised, FreeFunder will donate $20 to it. Tell your friends! Currently this campaign has been shared on Facebook about 27 times.