We even donate to campaigns based on sharing - if your campaign raises $1,000 and is shared 100 times on Facebook, we'll donate $20. If it raises $5,000 and it's shared 500 times, we'll donate another $50!
Success Stories
In the short time that FreeFunder has been available as a free crowdfunding option, we've already raised more than $18,100,000 for some worthy causes!
The best part? FreeFunder does not take any platform fees, which means more money goes directly to the person or people who need it most.
Take a look at just a few of the awesome fundraisers that have been completed on FreeFunder!
Dedicated Vet Needs Help!
When a beloved veterinarian from Butler, PA received news that a portion of his treatment costs for a life-threatening disease would not be covered by Boston Medical Centre it was time to turn to crowdfunding. Aubrey Kornrumpf, the office assistant for Dr. Denis Daman, created a free fundraising campaign on FreeFunder. Aubrey set a goal of $8,000, which was enough to cover the housing costs that Dr. Daman was suddenly expected to cover.
Within 5 days, the campaign had already raised more than $10,000. By the end of the campaign, more than $14,000 was raised to cover the housing costs as well as food and incidentals.
Finley's Care Christmas Gifts
Matt and Heather Sweetman needed help getting a part-time caregiver for their daughter, Finley, who has Quadriplegia Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Their friend Abby Peachey created a FreeFunder fundraiser to help raise enough money to cover a full year, estimated at $15,600.
With the help of friends, family, and the community, the fundraiser has raised more than $28,000 so far.
Life-saving surgery for my dog
When Tara's dog Vishnu was diagnosed with stage 2 malignant oral melanoma and required major surgery to save his life, she created a FreeFunder fundraiser to help raise the money she needed. She broke down the specific costs for treatment, and let everyone know that the vet was very confident the procedure would be a success if the money was raised in time.
In only 24 hours, the goal of $8,500 was already met. In the end, Tara raised $9,575 to get Vishnu the medical procedure he needed.
When Nancy Dear hit some rough times and needed help in order to pay her rent (both personal and for her hair salon), she set up a FreeFunder campaign as a last resort. Friends and community members starting pitching in immediately. Nancy needed $2,500 in order to get caught up, and after donations came in from 59 people in only 2 weeks, she ended up raising $2,655.
The Moore Family Fund
When an accidental fire burned through the third floor and attic of an apartment complex, Colleen Fallon wanted to help her friends the Moore Family. After researching different crowd funding platforms, she chose FreeFunder because FreeFunder passes the entire donation on to the Campaign Creator, instead of taking 5% or more as other platforms do.
The Moores were unharmed in the fire, but many of their belongings were lost and they needed help getting resituated. Colleen set a goal amount of $1,482. Within 16 hours, the FreeFunder campaign had blown past that goal, already raising $2,370, as mentioned in this news article. By the end of the campaign, the fundraiser raised more than 300% of the goal amount, providing the Moore Family with $5,165 to help them rebuild.