
Nick Boges Fight for Life
Our friend, Nick Boges,is in the fight of his life. He was recently diagnosed with a rare
form of cancer in the roof of his mouth and has begun intensive treatment. Although he
has an excellent medical team and the support of his family and friends, his on-
going treatment and diagnostics are not covered by insurance. This battle is expensive,
and Nick has almost exhausted his available funds. On top of that, his treatments have
greatly reduced his ability to make a living as a contractor. We've set a goal to raise
$50,000 to pay for Nick's medical bills and living expenses over the coming months, but
time is short. Please consider making a contribution today – whatever you can
comfortably afford – so his treatments can continue without interruption. We can reach
this goal quickly if we all pitch in.
Thank you,
Family and Friends of Nick Boges
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