
Help Sarah in AML Relapse
Hi friends and family,
This is not an update anyone ever wanted to have, but in November 2023, Sarah relapsed with AML after a little over 2 years of enjoying being in remission.
After Sarah and Jon returned from their long awaited and anticipated honeymoon, Sarah began to develop similar AML symptoms in October 2023 as to when she was first diagnosed in April/May 2021. This relapse was extremely devastating as Sarah and Jon were both beginning to get into the stride of things and excited to move up and on in their careers and lives.
Unfortunately with this relapse, the AML has mutated and has now become chemo resistant. In the past eight months, Sarah has failed four lines of treatment, including a clinical trial. While all these treatments and disappointing results have taken a toll on her mentally and physically, Sarah continues to endure every treatment in stride. At this point, Sarah's best chances of survival are in finding a clinical trial that will get her blast count low enough where after, she can go for a second bone marrow transplant.
Due to the amount of time it is taking this time around for Sarah to get into remission, Sarah and Jon's financial burden has become noticeable. Because of the physical toll these treatments have taken on Sarah, she has been unable to work, and they have been living on only Jon's city salary. To add salt to the wounds, when Jon reached out to MD Anderson, a leading AML hospital located in Houston, TX, known for the amount of clinical trials they create for AML, he was quoted $69,000 upfront just to see the doctor, not including any treatment, because the hospital does not take their insurance. As of right now, Sarah is in limbo awaiting a clinical trial to open up after another failed treatment, but the hope is that in the next week or two, there will be something open for her.
All this being said, I am reviving the fundraiser for Sarah and Jon on this different platform to make sure all funds go to them without any fees to ease their financial burden and help with medical bills, transportation, lodging, groceries, and anything else they may need as they endure this uphill battle again. Sarah and Jon are eternally grateful for everyone's support and assistance the past three years. They could not have done it without everyone's help. Although life has been difficult, Sarah was thankfully well enough to celebrate her 30th birthday with close friends in April, and Sarah and Jon celebrated their 3 year wedding anniversary in May. The hope is for Sarah to be cured and continue to give them things to celebrate!
Any donation amount helps! Thank you all so so much!!
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