Help Support Kristi Fisher

Help Support Kristi Fisher

  • Florence, AZ
  • Funerals



of $50,000 | raised by 52 people

Top Donation $1,000


Created December 6th, 2017
by Jodi Lewis

On behalf of

This campaign has ended and is no longer accepting donations.

Help Support Kristi Fisher

My name is Jodi Lewis. I am asking for help for my dear friend, Kristi Fisher and her 5 children. Kristi is a beautiful soul. She has 5 amazing kids, 4 rough and rowdy boys and one sweet little girl. Their daddy passed away today. Kristi has been the backbone of their family for many years as she has struggled to support her husband in his illness that has now taken him from this earth. For years, he has struggled with Kidney failure after a horrible infection from a ruptured appendix. 4-5 times a week, Kristi would help her husband get set up on a home dialysis machine and make sure he had everything he needed for those hours of dialysis, all while taking care of 5 children, one with demanding special needs, running a household, building a home business, and serving her community. To say she is super woman would be an understatement! Kristi gives all she has and it is our time to give back to her. To relieve some of the financial burden on her at this time is a small gift we can give her as she puts the pieces of their life back together. She will have many nights of reassuring her children through their sadness and grief and she will do it all with a smile, until the lights are low and she can mourn herself in the quiet of her room. She will continue to get her kids off to school, take Jax to needed therapies (3 days a week), football for the older boys, serving in her church, working her job, and so much more I don't even know about! She probably won't ask you for help. That is who she is. I'm sure many of you have been touched by the kindness and quiet giving that Kristi is. Please give what you can to support her through the services for Alex and in the coming months to help pay bills and care for her family and give them time to grieve and heal. 

Did you know?

Even if you can't contribute with money, you can help this campaign by sharing on Facebook! FreeFunder donated $20 to this campaign when it reached 100 shares on Facebook and $1,000 raised. We will donate another $50 when it reaches 500 shares and $5,000 raised! Tell your friends! Currently this campaign has been shared on Facebook about 233 times.

Contributors (52)

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