Life-saving surgery for my dog
Hello, Tribe, far and wide!
I am the loving owner of the most amazing Scottie dog. Everyone says that about their animal(s), but it's true -- Vishnu captures all hearts who meet him with his big personality, loud voice and huge, buoyant spirit. He is the love of my life.
Vishnu was recently diagnosed with stage 2 malignant oral melanoma and requires major surgery to save his life.
The vet feels very positively that given his particular case the surgery will allow him to live out his life term.
Though the procedure is frightening, I am ecstatic it will let him stay with us.
Naturally this comes at a price and we don't have it; the past several years have been one tidal wave after another constantly wiping out my finances.
So I am reaching out to all my people (and any kind angel passersby) to ask for financial assistance and/or share this on your social media.
The breakdown of procedures is thus:
- Biopsy and CT Scan: we did this already and it came to slightly over $2K (maxed cc)
- Pre-surgery EKG (Vishnu has a heart condition so will be seeing a cardiologist first): $600-1000
- Upper Mandible surgery: $5-6K (scheduled for November)
Thank you so much.
He did not win the genetic lottery,
but he's a work of art, to me.
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