Mocha Medical Expenses

Mocha Medical Expenses

  • San Diego, CA
  • Medical



of $11,492 | raised by 0 people

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Created April 15th, 2023
by Crystal Bates

Mocha Medical Expenses

This fundraiser is for our 8 month old puppy name Mocha for his medical expenses. Mocha had swallowed a couple of pieces of foxtail that lodged in his tonsils, which it caused bleeding. He had surgery. One of his major vessels was tied off to stop this bleeding. He had required multiple blood transfusions. Please help us out. We are experiencing financial hardship because of this unexpected circumstance. We need to be able to pay our other bills and have no way of doing that due to this huge unexpected vet bill. Any amount of donations would be greatly appreciated. If not able to donate, please share Mocha's fundraiser link to those who are able to. Here is the address, email, and phone number where Mocha was hospitalized if you need to confirm.


10435 Sorrento Valley Road

San Diego. California. 92121

Phone 858-875-7500

Fa× 858-875-7525

Email: [email protected]

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