Restore America
“We the People” will not remain free without an honest and unbiased press corps.
- The government is accountable to the US Constitution only when the media reports the truth.
- The truth as defined by the laws empowered by the Constitution of the United States.
- Today, the media reports what the approved politician narrative is, and not what it does.
- Most media companies are owned by six larger companies. So, a very small group of people decide what news is reported.
- The liberal left is not interested in the needs of the people nor is the government.
Stop the madness, at risk, is the Constitution of the United States and our way of life.
- You either support the Constitution, or you oppose it. There is no middle ground.
- Restore America's mission is to shine a beam of light into the darkness. Faithfully convicted that the truth will set you free.
- I'm soliciting donations, $2 bucks and a Share, is our slogan. The share is key to helping social media algorithms spread the word.
- Many Americans across the country are frustrated by the government but don't know how to express their outrage. Don't fear going on record, your privacy is guaranteed, and your email will not be spammed,
- A sense of futility is overwhelming the country and more voices are silenced.
- Silence is the same as consent. Don't allow fear, futility, or other factors to close your eyes to the pending disaster. History repeats itself because the people allow it to happen.
If giving away what others died for is acceptable, stop reading here.
The division in today's American society is our most pressing challenge. The division exists in large part, because of the media's wanton disregard for the truth, and its reluctance to report facts that reflect poorly on Democrats, and the liberal agenda
“We already know all that, but what are we going to do about it?”
It happens because 90% of all media sources are owned and controlled by six companies that include all TV broadcasts, radio, print, and digital media formats. The leadership of those six companies determines what will be reported, and how it will be presented.
There are too many examples to list here, but none more obvious than the media's treatment of President Trump, and its treatment of Biden.
However, what is not reported is often what causes the most damage to our republic.
The Durham report leaves no doubt Trump was faultless in colluding with the Russians. That he was, as he claimed, spied on. And, the Russia Hoax was misinformation initiated by Hillary Clinton. Misinformation intended to deflect attention away from her email server, and the 30,000 emails under subpoena she destroyed.
The politicians want to call it dirty politics, but it's not. What they did is illegal and if not addressed and people held accountable it's another serious encroachment on the Constitution further eroding its power.
"We the People" cannot allow the facts to be hidden, distorted, or ignored.
Restore America's objective is to hold the media accountable for their lies and misrepresentations. The cost to prove their deceit individually is prohibitive, and they know it. But, together we can raise a fund large enough to challenge their hubris in civil court.
The media would have to commit perjury to defend the lies they have reported dating back to 2016. Their admitted lies in civil court will expose them to slander, and open the door to further action by the former president. Granted, President Trump is the aggrieved party, but so are We the People.
Once the monies are collected, and the non-profit established, a suitable law firm will be retained, and a national public relations campaign will be executed.
The initial action will be directed at the Pulitzer Prize committee. Legal action will be brought to rescind the Pulitzer Prizes awarded to two US journalists in 2018..
A journalist from the Washington Post and another from the New York Times received the Pulitzer Prize in Journalism for their reporting on the Russia probe leading to, and during the Muller Special Counsel investigation. A case that was predicated on lies, according to the Durham report, as were the WAPO and NYT reports. If the Pulitzer Prize in Journalism is going to retain its prestige, the committee cannot allow it to be awarded for published lies.
It's low-hanging fruit, and news the mainstream media will not be able to conceal from the public. Once the first case is litigated other media outlets CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and others will fall like dominoes, because of the preponderance of evidence contained in the Durham report.
Every time I look at my granddaughter I worry about her future. What legacy we leave for your grandchildren is being determined today. You can close your eyes to the seriousness of the situation, and in your lifetime probably not experience much pain, but your grandkids will suffer on your behalf by no fault of their own.
- The US Constitution is the demarcation line; where do you stand?
- Donate don't surrender to fear and futility, the future belongs to our kids.
Donate; $2 bucks and Share. Help me Restore America.
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Even if you can't contribute with money, you can help this campaign by sharing on Facebook! In fact, when this campaign reaches 100 shares on Facebook and $1000 raised, FreeFunder will donate $20 to it. Tell your friends! Currently this campaign has been shared on Facebook about 36 times.