Rosemary Becchi
St Jerome Project
The St Jerome Project creates school libraries in the Washington, DC community. With your help last year St Thomas More Academy unveiled their new library thanks to your donation of book and cash donations. This year St Francis Xavier will be the focus of our efforts. St Francis is a pre-k to 8th grade school located in SE.
It's important that the kids have a lot of books to choose from including: books with kids that look like the kids; the classics; and books that spark a love of reading! Our family has set a HUGE goal for this project and we have already started collecting books, but we need your help. Thank you for helping.
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Even if you can't contribute with money, you can help this campaign by sharing on Facebook! In fact, when this campaign reaches 100 shares on Facebook and $1000 raised, FreeFunder will donate $20 to it. Tell your friends!